Trophy Eyes Trophy Eyes - Suicide Pact

I watch the lights blur into one
And sound like a passing train
With my head outside the car
In the back seat
I threw a bottle from the window
Just to watch it break
It bounced and retained it's shape
Would my body do the same?
Please just drive this car into a wall
Anything to break the silence
We could die on impact
Or we could just drive straight through

Pick your bones up off the street
Take the car back before someone knows it's missing
Burn it out on the side of the road
We know that's what you're good at
Make your annual escape from home
Before they know what hit them

Walk on your friends to fly
We've run out of reasons for watching you die

We were just children
When I held your hand
I promised if you go then I go the same
What a stupid way to see
If your friends can keep their promises
Aren't you tired of hospital beds?

I know the feeling man
You can't count the fuck ups on two hands

Like running water
What are you running from?

What a stupid way to see
If your friends can keep their promises

If you go
I go

Aren't you tired of hospital beds?